Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Saying Goodbye to Stephen, Reading Celebration, and a class update

We have had a busy week!  It will only get busier, so I think this may be a "double blog" week!  Get excited people!!

Saying Goodbye to Stephen

Last week, the class learned that one of our kiddos would be moving.  This happens a lot at our school.  We have a pretty transient population.  If I can ever help it, I love letting the kids say goodbye to their friends so that they can have closure before they have to move away.  They are all so full of love.  It's why first graders are my fave :).  Anyway, so we ended our day Friday by saying our final good-byes to Stephen.  Stephen came up to the front of the room as kids raised their hands to say their farewells.  "I'm going to miss you so hard." said a sad a tearful Emmett.  "I hope you make lots of new friends there!" said Taylor.  Then, lots and lots more well wishes and big hugs and "I miss you's" followed.  Austin even offered to give Stephen our classroom set of magnetic letters because he knew they were his favorite.  Such sweethearts! Taking in these moments, teachers realize that what they do is really something much more magical and meaningful than just "teaching".  "Teaching" is just word.  My job is not just a word.  It's heartfelt and meaningful, overwhelming, fast-paced, and crazy. It's definitely a whirlwind of emotions.  I like to tell my kids that the most important thing in this world is how they treat people.  I tell them that, yes, I do care that they learn how to read, write, and do their math facts, but ultimately I've done my job if I've taught them how to treat other people in this world.  Our world is a very tough place.  I see the news.  I see lot of horrible things happening.  People die every day.  I wonder, sometimes, if those adults - when they were kids, had someone to teach them to love.  To help people.  To be kind.  To have compassion.  THAT, my friends, is what really matters in this world!!!  The rest will come.  The reading levels will come. The math facts will come. But learning how to be a person in this world that cares---That's the goal.  So I will take the time it takes on any school day to teach my students these important life lessons!  They matter <3.

Reading Celebration!

Our class had a reading celebration on Friday!  We celebrated all the important things that we have learned so far this year as readers!  One of their favorite things to do during reader's workshop is partner read.  So, to celebrate their growth as readers, we got to pick a reading partner and try out new ways to read our books.  We learned how to take turns reading each page, choral read, echo read, and read like a storyteller.  They love trying out the different ways and coaching their partners.  It was so cute, that I took a few videos of them.  Enjoy <3

Class update:

  • Stephen moved :(
  • Bella lost a tooth
  • Rainey had fun in North Carolina!  She got a little sunburned :/
  • Zachary made a lego police car over the weekend!
  • Tomorrow is Aubrey's birthday! :)
  • Haven and Aubrey moved up reading levels this week!
  • Apple investigations and applesauce fun will be Thursday and Friday this week!
That's all for now!

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